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- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Module: QD3DGroup.h **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Purpose: **
- ** **
- ** **
- ** Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. **
- ** **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef QD3DGroup_h
- #define QD3DGroup_h
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #if defined(THINK_C) || defined(__SC__)
- #pragma options(!pack_enums, !align_arrays)
- #pragma SC options align=power
- #elif defined(__MWERKS__)
- #pragma enumsalwaysint on
- #pragma align_array_members off
- #pragma options align=native
- #elif defined(__PPCC__)
- #pragma options align=power
- #elif defined(__xlc) || defined(__xlC) || defined(__xlC__) || defined(__XLC121__)
- #pragma options enum=int
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Group Typedefs **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * These flags affect how a group is traversed
- * They apply to when a group is "drawn", "picked", "bounded", "written"
- */
- typedef enum TQ3DisplayGroupStateMasks {
- kQ3DisplayGroupStateNone = 0,
- kQ3DisplayGroupStateMaskIsDrawn = 1 << 0,
- kQ3DisplayGroupStateMaskIsInline = 1 << 1,
- kQ3DisplayGroupStateMaskUseBoundingBox = 1 << 2,
- kQ3DisplayGroupStateMaskUseBoundingSphere = 1 << 3,
- kQ3DisplayGroupStateMaskIsPicked = 1 << 4,
- kQ3DisplayGroupStateMaskIsWritten = 1 << 5
- } TQ3DisplayGroupStateMasks;
- typedef unsigned long TQ3DisplayGroupState;
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Group Routines (apply to all groups) **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupObject Q3Group_New( /* May contain any shared object */
- void);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3ObjectType Q3Group_GetType(
- TQ3GroupObject group);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupPosition Q3Group_AddObject(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3Object object);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupPosition Q3Group_AddObjectBefore(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition position,
- TQ3Object object);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupPosition Q3Group_AddObjectAfter(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition position,
- TQ3Object object);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetPositionObject(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition position,
- TQ3Object *object);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_SetPositionObject(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition position,
- TQ3Object object);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Object Q3Group_RemovePosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetFirstPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetLastPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetNextPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetPreviousPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_CountObjects(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- unsigned long *nObjects);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_EmptyObjects(
- TQ3GroupObject group);
- /*
- * Typed Access
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetFirstPositionOfType(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3ObjectType isType,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetLastPositionOfType(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3ObjectType isType,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetNextPositionOfType(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3ObjectType isType,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetPreviousPositionOfType(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3ObjectType isType,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_CountObjectsOfType(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3ObjectType isType,
- unsigned long *nObjects);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_EmptyObjectsOfType(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3ObjectType isType);
- /*
- * Determine position of objects in a group
- */
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetFirstObjectPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3Object object,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetLastObjectPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3Object object,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetNextObjectPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3Object object,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3Group_GetPreviousObjectPosition(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3Object object,
- TQ3GroupPosition *position);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Group Subclasses **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupObject Q3LightGroup_New( /* Must contain only lights */
- void);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupObject Q3InfoGroup_New( /* Must contain only strings */
- void);
- #if defined(ESCHER_VER_15) && ESCHER_VER_15
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupObject Q3GuideGroup_New( /* Must contain only guides */
- void);
- #endif /* ESCHER_VER_15 */
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Display Group Routines **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupObject Q3DisplayGroup_New( /* May contain only drawables */
- void);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3ObjectType Q3DisplayGroup_GetType(
- TQ3GroupObject group);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3DisplayGroup_GetState(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3DisplayGroupState *state);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3DisplayGroup_SetState(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3DisplayGroupState state);
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3Status Q3DisplayGroup_Submit(
- TQ3GroupObject group,
- TQ3ViewObject view);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** Ordered Display Group **
- ** **
- ** Ordered display groups keep objects in order by the type of object: **
- ** **
- ** 1 kQ3ShapeTypeTransform **
- ** 2 kQ3ShapeTypeStyle **
- ** 3 kQ3SetTypeAttribute **
- ** 4 kQ3ShapeTypeShader **
- ** 5 kQ3ShapeTypeCamera **
- ** 6 kQ3ShapeTypeLight **
- ** 7 kQ3ShapeTypeGeometry **
- ** 8 kQ3ShapeTypeGroup **
- ** 9 kQ3ShapeTypeUnknown **
- ** **
- ** Within a type, you are responsible for keeping things in order. **
- ** **
- ** You may access and/or manipulate the group using the above types **
- ** (fast), or you may use any parent or leaf class types (slower). **
- ** **
- ** Additional types will be added as functionality grows. **
- ** **
- ** The group calls which access by type are much faster for ordered **
- ** display group for the types above. **
- ** **
- ** N.B. In QuickDraw 3D 1.0 Lights and Cameras are a no-op when drawn. **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupObject Q3OrderedDisplayGroup_New(
- void);
- /******************************************************************************
- ** **
- ** IO Proxy Display Group **
- ** **
- ** IO Proxy display groups are used to place more than one **
- ** representation of an object in a metafile. For example, if you know **
- ** another program does not understand NURBPatches but does understand **
- ** Meshes, you may place a mesh and a NURB Patch in an IO Proxy Group, **
- ** and the reading program will select the desired representation. **
- ** **
- ** Objects in an IO Proxy Display Group are placed in their preferencial**
- ** order, with the FIRST object being the MOST preferred, the LAST **
- ** object the least preferred. **
- ** **
- ** The behavior of an IO Proxy Display Group is that when drawn/picked/ **
- ** bounded, the first object in the group that is not "Unknown" is used,**
- ** and the other objects ignored. **
- ** **
- *****************************************************************************/
- QD3D_EXPORT TQ3GroupObject Q3IOProxyDisplayGroup_New(
- void);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #if defined(__MWERKS__)
- #pragma enumsalwaysint reset
- #elif defined(__xlc) || defined(__xlC) || defined(__xlC__) || defined(__XLC121__)
- #pragma options enum=reset
- #endif
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /* QD3DGroup_h */